Mastering The Art Of Trading Crypto Options
Game changing interactive events for all traders.
About Deribit Live
New series of webinars from the top pros in crypto options trading.
Game changing interactive events for all traders.
Key Note Speakers
Introducing our key speakers from Rogue Trader Academy.

Richard Hodges
Co-Founder of Rogue Trader Academy
Seasoned trader and expert in systematic options trading. Over the years, wealth management firms, investment banks and exchanges have hired him to deliver automated trading systems. Richard literally talks the talk and walks the walk when it comes to options.

Shane Oglow
Co-Founder of Rogue Trader Academy
With nearly 25 years of professional trading experience, from working options retail order flow for major brokerages to scalping with proprietary trading firms, Shane brings his wealth of experience in navigating dynamically changing market conditions, and learned trader insights to the world of crypto options.